Waste to Energy

Waste- to- Energy is an alternative process of waste management by converting waste into renewable energy which can give value addition to industries.

With increasing industries and production we need a high quantity of energy just to run these industries. 60% of energy is utilized for commercial production. These industries also generate a high volume of organic waste which is a high source of energy and they can save on electricity cost if this organic waste can be used to generate energy either for commercial or domestic purposes.

We at Sun Enviro supports recycling of waste to produce useful products which can give value addition to industries. The quantum of organic waste generated by Industries can replace 40% of energy requirements which is a huge cost-saving and energy-saving industries.

Till date, we have designed ample no. of plants to recover energy and put it to best use. The food industry has the capacity to generate biogas up to 100m 3 to 150m 3 per ton of waste. Municipalities can also make use of this technology to generate energy from domestic organic waste. Only vegetable waste in the city can produce 80m 3 to 100 m 3 of biogas per ton of vegetable waste.

Output from all high-end anaerobic digesters can be trapped into proper biogas plants and electricity can be generated from there.

Our ETP Services:

Sun Enviro Pvt Ltd has installed more than 200 ETP at 150 plus locations covering 20 different industries.

With our technically supreme team, we cater to all types of ETP designs right from primary treatment processes like filtration, clarification, disinfection using UV, membrane processes, and demineralization to higher-end tertiary treatments like water recycling for drinking purposes, zero discharge, and sludge drying processes.

We undertake turnkey projects for ETP commissioning including consultancy for
wastewater management. We follow strict project management guidelines and deliver the project on time. We have delivered ETP’s up to a capacity of 5000 KLD of  wastewater management. As of date our total installed ETPs are cleaning 2 Million
KLD of water and serving the environment to our best capacity.

We have majorly served the following categories:

We have successfully delivered our services to: